Thursday 21 January 2016

Actor: Emeka Ike in fresh trouble

If information reaching is anything to go by, then controversial Nollywood star, Emeka Ike, is in for another round of headaches.
Recall that followers of showbiz industry in Nigeria started to get a feel of Emeka’s controversial lifestyle when he battled Segun Arinze over the presidency of the Actors Guild of Nigeria, AGN, throughout his tenure.
Even after Segun Arinze handover power to Ibinabo Fiberesima about four years ago, the actor did not relent, but went on.
In 2015, a member of the guild, St Maradona got a court injunction that ordered statuo quo to be maintained and Emeka Ike declared himself president of AGN. He set up a body of executives to work with him. But alas! the actor is already having issues with them.
One of them, Onibiyo Samuel has accused Emeka Ike of constitutional breaches and gross irresponsibilities.
In an internal memo dated January 15, and obtained by, Onibiyo questioned why Emeka Ike is yet to convey an executive meeting and a joint council meeting since coming to office in March, 2015.
He was also said to have disgraced “the Guild by smoking indian hemp at the hotel we were lodged in Onitsha during our courtesy visit to our Grand Patron in the close of 2015 as organized by Chairman of Chairs, His Eminnence Daddy Hezekiah MON, founder of Living Christ Mission and you ended up banging doors of members at About 1.28am disturbing the peace in the hotel. This does not project the Guild well, chapter 3 No. 5 and 9.”
Below is the memo;
15th January, 2016
TO: Emeka Ike
National President
Query For Constitutional Breaches and Gross Irresponsibilities
The National Executive Council after due consultationsin has agreed to issue this Query. See CONSTITUTION CHAPTER 1 on Supremacy of the CONSTITUTION.
1. You are to explain why you Have not bieng able to convey an Executive Meeting and a JOINT Council Meeting since coming to office in March, 2015 to date, See CONSTITUTION CHAPTER 5 (3) on Functions of officers (a) Failure to take charge
2. Why ARE you taking over responsibilities of the Secretariat, without recourse to the National Secretary and No Query or any suspension or NEC Meeting to that effect . Chatper 5(b)i
3. Why did you disgrace the Guild by SMOKING INDIIAN HEMP at the hotel we were lodged in Onitsha during our Courtesy Visit to Our Grand Patron in the close of 2015 as organized by Chairman of Chairs, His Eminnence Daddy Hezekiah MON, founder of Living Christ Mission and you ended up banging doors of members at About 1.28am disturbing the peace in the hotel. This does not project the Guild well, chapter 3 No. 5 and 9.
4. Why you conived with Anambra CHAPTER Chair Browny to get some hoodlums to Harm, attack and maim the National Secretary in Onitsha at the hotel after an arguement at the Church, CHAPTER 9 on Crime and Punishment C
5. Why the Guild should continue to tolerate you in your act of frustrating all our peace moves to bring all parties in AGN together, CONSTITUTION CHAPTER 3, Aims and Objectives (1)
You Have 72 hours to respond to this Query with effect from the date of the mail, why disciplinary actions as stipulated by the CONSTITUTION should not be meted out to you.
Thanks and God Bless.
Yours faithfully
ONIBIYO, Samuel E. R. O.
However, a close associate of Emeka Ike said Onibiyo is embittered and is bent on pulling down the actor.
“Everybody knows Onibiyo to be a trouble maker. He is just jealous and embittered,” the associate told
Meanwhile, Emeka Ike was contacted via an SMS to react to the issue, but no response was received from him as at the time of publishing this story.
Culled From NigeriaFilms

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